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Western Medical Assessments Now an Official Supplier of Alberta Motor Transport Association

Western Medical Assessments is excited to announce that we’re now an official associate supplier of the Alberta Motor Transport Association. AMTA is the Alberta trucking industry’s unified voice committed to advocating on behalf of truckers to the provincial and federal governments.

AMTA’s mission involves establishing and promoting high safety and compliance standards and providing training for the motor transport industry to reduce injuries and improve the safety of workplaces. Trucking is a hazardous industry. Between traffic accidents, lifting injuries, and repetitive strain industries, truck drivers occasionally find themselves unable to drive for health reasons.

Independent Medical Examinations and Trucking Injuries

As a supplier of Alberta Motor Transport Association and experts in expediting the return to work process through independent medical examinations, we at WMA are happy to provide our services to AMTA and its carriers to help employees get back to their jobs safely.

If you find yourself in need of some clarity around a trucking injury, need to learn about workplace accommodations you may be responsible for, or get advice about what an IME can do in a difficult court case, reach out to WMA and find out what we can do for you.

Want to meet us in person? Our Medical Director Dr Roger Hodkinson will be speaking at Alberta Motor Transport Association’s Grande Prairie Safety Conference on June 15, 2018. Make sure you register!

Trucking employer? You may be interested in some more information we have available for employers.