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Can Team Sports Boost Employee Engagement?

August 28, 2024 from Canadian HRReporter

As organizations strive to improve employee engagement and productivity, incorporating physical activity through team sports, such as corporate soccer, is proving to be an effective solution. According to Albert Zbily, president of the International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) and professor at McGill University, integrating soccer into the workplace can significantly enhance team dynamics and individual well-being.

Zbily emphasizes that North Americans tend to associate recreation with relaxation rather than physical activity, which he believes needs to change. “We need exercise, we need to get out,” Zbily urges. Citing data from the World Health Organization (WHO), he highlights the startling statistic that nearly six million people die annually due to inactivity.

In Canada, nine out of ten people are at risk for conditions such as heart disease or stroke. With these concerning health trends, it’s clear that engaging employees in regular physical activity is not just beneficial—it’s essential.


The Benefits of Corporate Soccer

One way to get employees moving is through corporate soccer. Zbily advocates for regular participation in soccer as a way to improve both physical and mental well-being. He explains, “Getting out to a pitch once a week for a 50-minute exercise will not only benefit the cohesion of your team setting when working with your colleagues, but it will also increase your serotonin levels, which gives you a better sense of self.” This boost in serotonin, Zbily adds, translates to higher productivity and a better overall work environment.

Even employees who aren’t avid sports enthusiasts can benefit from corporate soccer. Zbily emphasizes that participation, not skill, is the key. “You might not touch the ball during that game, but you are running. And the key here is to keep moving.”


Soccer: The Universal Language of Team Building

When Zbily founded FIFCO in 2009, he chose soccer for its universal appeal, calling it “a universal language” that every country plays. FIFCO, now boasting 60 member countries, also organizes corporate tournaments, including the World Corporate Champions Cup. This year’s event will take place in Crete, Greece, and for the first time, will include two age categories: 25+ and 35+.

The competition provides not only a physical challenge but also an enjoyable, morale-boosting experience for participants. “This is truly an enjoyable event; we want to try to get more Europeans involved—there is so much potential,” Zbily says of the upcoming tournament.


Why Corporate Soccer Beats the Gym

While many companies opt to provide gym memberships for their employees, Zbily argues that team sports like corporate soccer offer better long-term engagement. “Statistics have shown us that a gym membership doesn’t cut it,” he says. Employees may initially attend the gym but often lose motivation over time. In contrast, corporate soccer fosters consistent participation due to its group setting. “There’s a 90% chance that you will continue doing that sport when you are in a group,” Zbily notes.


Building Team Cohesion Through Soccer

Corporate soccer not only benefits individual health but also strengthens team cohesion. As Zbily explains, “This is really geared to an office setting, creating that team atmosphere from the office, bringing it out onto the soccer pitch.” Unlike solitary gym sessions, corporate soccer encourages collaboration and camaraderie, which can translate into more effective teamwork in the workplace.

In an era where employee well-being and engagement are key to business success, corporate soccer provides a powerful tool for employers to improve both. By incorporating regular physical activity and team-building opportunities into the workday, companies can foster a healthier, more productive workforce.




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