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Scary Stuff: Can Biotechnology Control Human Behavior?

June 2, 2024 From Brownstone Institute

Research published in the journal Transplantology has shed new light on the intriguing, and potentially unsettling, effects of organ transplants on human behavior. The study, titled “Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants,” documents the experiences of 47 individuals who received various donated organs, including hearts, kidneys, livers, and lungs.

Surprising Findings on Personality Changes

It is well known that heart transplant recipients can experience personality changes. However, this study expands the scope, showing that recipients of other organ types also experience significant changes. Remarkably, 87% of subjects reported notable changes in behavior, sense of identity, and personal preferences. First-person reports and evidence from donor families confirmed that some of these changes involve the transfer of personality traits, such as food or behavioral preferences, from the donor to the recipient. For instance, an avid meat eater might become a vegetarian post-transplant.

This unexpected result challenges conventional ideas and points to the distributed nature of memory throughout our physiology. It suggests a close association between various organ systems and consciousness, highlighting the limited understanding within the life sciences of the interface between consciousness and matter.

Mechanisms Behind Transplanted Traits

The study explored three potential mechanisms for these personality changes: psychological imprinting, cellular biochemistry, and electromagnetic fields. The findings indicate that biochemical mechanisms play a crucial role. Previous theories about the transfer of traits via electromagnetic fields, particularly associated with the heart, are now less tenable since the phenomenon extends to other organs.

One hypothesis, known as the systemic memory hypothesis, suggests that living cells contain memory, which can be transferred from donor to recipient via tissue. This implies that cellular genetic systems are far more complex than current biotechnology models suggest and may play a significant role in controlling aspects of human behavior and thinking.

Ethical and Safety Concerns

These findings raise significant ethical and safety concerns regarding genetic interventions, such as gene therapies and mRNA vaccines. The study implies that such interventions could unintentionally edit what makes us human, potentially scrambling behavior, thinking, and understanding. This has profound implications for the use of biotechnology in medical treatments.

The potential for genetic information to influence behavior highlights the need for caution. As noted in the article “Your Grandparents’ Diet Could Still Be Affecting You, And Your Kids’ Health,” genetic changes stored in ancestral DNA can be inherited and affect health and behavior. The transplant study suggests that genetic interventions could also influence behavior and psychological profiles.

Biotechnology and Public Health

The study underscores the need for stringent regulations around biotechnology experimentation. The risks associated with editing cellular genetic material are potentially incalculable and could lead to negative outcomes. This calls for global legislation to regulate such interventions and protect human health and behavior.

Positive Steps for Individual Health

Despite these concerns, there are steps individuals can take to support their health at the cellular level. Simple lifestyle changes can enhance cellular chemistry, hydration, and electrical conductivity in the body. For instance:

  • Chemistry: Consume unprocessed, pesticide-free foods that support cellular health.
  • Hydration: Sip hot purified water throughout the day to improve hydration and electrical conductivity.
  • Electromagnetic fields: Spend time in natural sunlight and minimize exposure to electronic devices.
  • Physical and Mental Well-being: Engage in yoga, listen to uplifting music, practice breathing exercises, speak the truth, and honor traditional cultural wisdom through meditation.

These practices can help maintain a healthy balance in the body’s intricate cellular systems.




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