Study Finds Higher Injury Rates Among Young U.S. Workers Post-Marijuana Legalization

Posted Posted in Disability Insurers, Employers, Lawyers, MVA Insurers

March 19, 2024 from DATAC With the expansion of recreational cannabis legalization in different jurisdictions, such as U.S. states and Canadian provinces, recent research is shedding light on the wider implications it has on workplace safety and public health. This compilation of recent studies from both countries provides insights into the impact of legislative changes […]

Using IMEs in Employee Disability Decisions

Posted Posted in Disability Insurers, Employers

Employee disability determinations play a crucial role in ensuring workplace health and safety, affecting the physical and mental well-being of employees as well as the overall efficiency of businesses. These determinations frequently require intricate assessments in which Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) play a crucial role. This article explores the application, challenges, and significant benefits of […]

Quitting Smoking Before Turning 40 Can Reduce Mortality Risk to That of Nonsmokers

Posted Posted in Disability Insurers, Employers, Lawyers, MVA Insurers

March 11, 2024, from Medscape Smoking remains a persistent global health issue, causing significant harm to individuals across the world. Shockingly, a quarter of deaths among middle-aged adults in Europe and North America can be directly linked to this harmful habit. However, amid intensified efforts to combat smoking, there is a ray of hope. New […]

Canadian Employees Look to Improve Their Health Using Workplace Benefits

Posted Posted in Disability Insurers, Employers

March 28, 2024, from Benefits Canada The pursuit of well-being has become a common objective among Canadians in today’s fast-paced society, especially at work. The current state of employee well-being in Canada is revealed by a report written by Canadian market research company Environics Research on behalf of Dialogue Health Technologies Inc.   As per […]