Your Resource for Evidence-Based Clarity™
Whether you’re a lawyer, employer, or insurer, there will be times you’ll need to deal with medical issues. When getting the clearest picture possible is paramount, you’ll want to turn to WMA.
For over 27 years WMA has been providing expert opinions to insurance companies, employers, and both defense and plaintiff lawyers. Our extensive network of senior medical and paramedical specialists provides authoritative evidence-based clarity.
Find us at these Events
WMA Disability Management & IMEs Webinar – March 9, 2025
Alberta Health and Safety Conference –April 2 - 3, 2025 in Calgary, AB
Our Guiding Principles
WMA embraces what we call the Medical Model in all we do – our focus is always where it belongs, on the individual. We believe early evidence-based intervention is the key to success – Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time.
What is Evidence-Based Clarity?
We do IMEs for a number of reasons, but the first one is to establish a diagnosis. We must recognize that it is philosophically impossible to prove that ‘something’ is not present. Because of the difficulty in ruling out disease, we rely on medical judgement to form a supportable opinion, without the risk of medicalization.
For a number of years I have used the services of Western Medical to great effect in my management of disability claims. I have always found their experts to evidence based, and their reports delivered in a timely fashion. The company has an exceptional senior management team that is readily available for any follow up issues. I have particularly enjoyed my conversations with their Medical Director, Dr Roger Hodkinson, who provides indispensable value-added advice.
CRTWC Disability Management Consultant Edmonton Police Service
Former Sun Life
Premier Research & Consulting Inc. specializes in the review of Workers' Compensation claims to ensure that employer responsibility is minimized. Over the past 6 years we are proud to have partnered with Western Medical Assessments for the purpose of obtaining expert medical evaluations and testimony. Our needs are very specific and are met with professionalism in all aspects of disability related issues. The reporting is thorough and in many cases provides additional insight used to overturn previous decisions providing tremendous benefit to our clients. We highly recommend Western Medical for any disability related issue requiring an Independent Medical Examination."
President Premier Research & Consulting Inc.
When MVA claims need unbiased medical input, the services of Western Medical give us comfort that we are making supportable management decisions. Over time I have found the relationship to be most dependable, and their professional ethics are beyond question. I can recommend their services without hesitation.
Claims Manager Millennium Insurance